
Last modified: 15/05/2023


We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. Below are some details about the measures we've taken so far to ensure our site is accessible. This is a work in progress for us, so we appreciate any feedback that will help us to make improvements. If you have any queries or comments, or you would like to get involved in testing our site's accessibility, contact Jo Pudney: [email protected]

Non-text Content 

For non-text content that is a control or accepts user input, such as images used as submit buttons, image maps or complex animations, a name is provided to describe the purpose of the non-text content so that the user knows what the non-text content is and why it is there. (

Alt tags are included throughout the Nightingale Design Research website on all appropriate images to provide a text alternative.

Form Controls 

Form labels are provided for all form elements to identify their purpose. If the purpose of the form element is clear enough without a label, then the label is hidden visually so it can’t be seen but will still be picked up by a screen reader. An example of this is on the Newsletter sign up form.

Information and Relationships

All HTML is valid


Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) is a set of attributes that define ways to make web content and web applications (especially those developed with JavaScript) more accessible to disabled people. (

Various ARIA attributes are used throughout the in order to describe certain elements and how they are related to other elements.

An example of our use of ARIA attributes can be found on the contact page, where we use the aria-describedby attribute to establish a relationship between the form inputs and labels.

No Keyboard Trap

Every effort has been made to ensure that when navigating through the page using keyboard only, all links and buttons can be selected using the tab key. 

Bypass Blocks 

A ‘Skip to content’ link is provided in order to allow the user to cycle through the content on the page. This can be opened by tabbing on a page.

Headings and Labels

All headings on the page are sequential.

Focus Visible

All elements have a visible focus.

Error Suggestions

Validation is provided on all forms to inform the user of any error that they’ve made. An example of this is on the Newsletter sign up form.